Project Management methodologies & standards, different ways to one goal.
Several project managements, techniques, Guides & standards was developed by different organizations to enhance the efficiency of managing projects. Each technique expresses the creator point of view of how manage projects in a way that gives the best possible result and reduces as maximum waste as possible. Now we shall list the existing methodologies and standards, showing, main characteristics of each. DIN 69901: Project Management—Project Management Systems Released in 1987 by the German firm “Deutsches Institut fur Normung E.V. (DIN)”. The characteristics of DIN 69901 Methodology states 5 project Phases: Initializing Defining Planning Controlling Closing The project goes through above mentioned phases with a defined process including Scheduling, Changes, Information, Documentation, Communication, Financing, Quality, Risk, Contracting and claims. The processes to be executed among project phases contains defined tasks and activities such as Approvals an