
Project Management methodologies & standards, different ways to one goal.

  Several project managements, techniques, Guides & standards was developed by different organizations to enhance the efficiency of managing projects. Each technique expresses the creator point of view of how manage projects in a way that gives the best possible result and reduces as maximum waste as possible. Now we shall list the existing methodologies and standards, showing, main characteristics of each. DIN 69901: Project Management—Project Management Systems Released in 1987 by the German firm “Deutsches Institut fur Normung E.V. (DIN)”. The characteristics of DIN 69901 Methodology states 5 project Phases: Initializing Defining Planning Controlling Closing The project goes through above mentioned phases with a defined process including Scheduling, Changes, Information, Documentation, Communication, Financing, Quality, Risk, Contracting and claims. The processes to be executed among project phases contains defined tasks and activities such as Approval...

Reducing waste in project management, Lean perspective.

One of the major aspects of project management success is to deliver results for the customer with the least possible amount of waste. Project management firms and consultants are continuously developing methodologies to design high efficiency processes to reduce as much waste as possible. Three project management worlds are now existing in many organizations: “classical”, “agile” and “hybrid”. However, it is no longer the approach that is the key issue, but the way in which the approach is designed and executed. Although “Lean” principles are designed to deal with the problem of waste in fabrication environment. But it is possible to tailor it for use in project management so we can reach far in this field. Let’s try to map lean principles to project management process buy showing waste types and how to deal with them. Defects: product is not fit to use, service is doesn’t add value or both doesn’t meet customer expectations this will cause rework and customer dissatisfaction. Poor re...

Growth Hacking, expand and grow your business rapidly

You started your business, worked hard and successfully built your product or service then celebrated with your team your greatest achievement. Now you need to get people to know your product / service so you can start gaining money, you need to grow and expand your business. Growth hacking will help you achieving this goal. Growth hacking is a strategy for business rapid growth and expansion. Growth hacking strategy is applied through 5 stages according to Dave McClure’s principle: 1- Acquisition = Getting more users to recognize your brand and visit your site.  2- Activation = getting people to sign up for repetitive visits by having good impression about their first visit. 3- Retention = getting users to be active. 4- Referral = getting users to refer your product / service to others. 5- Revenue = monetizing active users. While the marketeer focuses only on the first stage, The growth hacker works to increase transition from one stage to another. So, you need to move c...

ازاي تخلي الناس تتعرف علي منتجك او خدمتك وتبدا تشتري منك؟

  بدأت البزنس بتاعك واشتغلت علي المنتج او الخدمة اللي هتقدمها وطلعت منتج متميز. الخطوة اللي جايه ايه؟ انك تخلي الناس تتعرف علي منتجك او خدمتك وتبدأ تشتري منك. قرصنة النمو ( Growth hacking ) هي الطريقة اللي هتقدر توصل بيها للهدف ده. قرصنة النمو هي استراتيجية بتمكنك من توسيع قاعدة عملائك و مدي تفاعلهم مع منتجك وهي مكونة من 4 مراحل: الاستحواذ ( Acquisition ) وهي انك تزود عدد الناس اللي بتتعرف علي منتجك او تزور موقعك التفعيل ( Activation ) وهي انك تترك انطباع جيد عند العملاء عند زيارتهم الاولي يخليهم يشتركو معاك ويكررو الزيارات الاحتفاظ ( retention )   انك تزود تفاعل العملاء مع المنتج او الخدمة الاحالة ( Referral ) وهي ان يقوم العملاء بنصح معارفهم باستخدام منتجك او خدمتك تحقيق الايرادات ( revenue ) وهو حث العملاء علي الدفع مقابل شراء المنتج او الخدمة متخصصين التسويق بيركزو علي المرحلة الاولي بس وهي انهم يعرفو الناس بمنتجك او خدمتك وبكده مهمتهم بتنتهي. قراصنة النمو بيهتمو بباقي المراحل وبيهتمو اكتر بمعدل الانتقال بين المراحل. يعني مثلا لو عندك تطبيق او موقع وبيزوره ...

The right organization structure creates suitable work environment

The right organization structure helps creating and achieving the right plans to achieve required goals. Categorizing organization management level and determination of each level responsibilities is very important to guide employees and give them more clarity to create suitable work environment. Let’s see what the management levels and what type of plans are do they work accordingly: 1-       Corporate Level: The corporate level managers perform strategic plans which set the long – term direction of the organization. They are concerned with: ·          The industries should the organization get into ·          The markets should the organization be in ·          In which business should the corporation invest 2-       Business Level In this level, managers are performing tactical plans which are in shorter terms transl...

كيف تبدأ مشروع تجارة الكترونية ناجح باقل التكاليف

هل تريد أن تبدأ مشروعًا تجاريًا بميزانية صغيرة ، وقليل من المخاطر وتكون لديك القدرة على التوسع عالميًا؟ الجواب هو التجارة الإلكترونية. سنشرح هنا خطوات بدء وادارة مشروع للتجارة الإلكترونية الناجحة. أولاً: البحث عن المنتج المناسب لا يتعلق الأمر ببيع منتجات مختلفة عما يقوم ببيعه الاخرين ، بل يتعلق الامر باحتياجات العملاء وقدرة السوق الاستيعابية. قد تبيع منتجًا يبيعه العديد من المنافسين ، لكن حجم السوق يكفي لاكتساب المزيد والمزيد من العملاء. يمكنك أيضًا تطوير منتج موجود مثل عمل مطبوعاتك الخاصة على التيشيرتات التي ستبيعها. الآن دعونا نرى كيفية اختيار المجالات التي تناسب احتياجات العملاء: Google Trends هي اداه لاكتشاف ما يبحث عنه الاشخاص عبر جوجل وذلك للتعرف علي اهتماماتهم حيث تعرض هذه الاداه الموضوعات الاكثر بحثا علي جوجل Similar Web يمكنك استخدام هذا الموقع في معرفة معلومات عن المتاجر الالكترونية الشهيرة مثل امازون او جوميا حيث يتيح لك هذا الموقع معرفة ما يبحث عنه العملاء في هذه المواقع في الجزء الخاص بحركة البحث عن الكلمات الرئيسية. Kickstarter يمكنك هذا الموقع من ايجاد افكار لمنتجات يهتم...

Evaluate your business efficiency - Financial Aspects

  Selecting the business, you are going to run must be based on clear factors that allows you to have a future vision of your business results. No doubt that financial aspects are of great weight in business evaluation. We shall now discuss some financial factors that should be taken into consideration while selecting the business you intend to build. Time Value of Money 1000 $ today ≠ 1000 $ tomorrow. If you have an amount of 1000 $ in your pocket today, after one year these 1000 $ value will decrease. In other words, you can’t buy the same items you can buy today with 1000 $ with the same amount after one year, that is because the value of money changes over time due to the below reasons: interest lost: Interest rate is forecasted for market and differs for each country. -       risk -       inflation. So, you need to have an overview of below factors to choose and run your business successfully: Payback period P...